
Committee & Meeting Structure

The Parish Council meets regularly as a Full Council.

In addition to Full Council, there are three committees:

  • Planning
  • Community, Leisure and Environment
  • Finance and General Purposes.

The committees meeting about every six weeks.  Their responsibilites are outlined below.


Planning and Transportation Committee

Planning applications, planning issues, urban open spaces, South Ward open spaces, Burial Ground, rural footpaths and transport issues.

Community, Leisure and Environment Committee

Play areas at Lilliput Park, Goldcrest, Woodchester, Queen Elizabeth II Playing Fields, Lilliput Park, Wapley Nature Reserve and Common, Dodington Allotments, Summer Playscheme, youth and community activities.

Finance and General Purposes Committee

Parish Hall management, staff salaries and administration, office expenses, Chairman’s allowance, grants, donations and election expenses.

A Full Council meeting is held after each cycle of Committee meetings.  The agenda for Full Council meetings is shared in advance on our website and noticeboards.

In May each year an Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held, which is similar to an AGM where the Chairman and other officers are elected.  A seperate Annual Parish Meeting, to which all Parishioners are invited to, is held in April.