After more than 20 years as Wapley Wardens, keeping an eye on the Nature Reserve on behalf of the Parish Council, Isabel and Bert Ryan have now retired from this role. They took it on when Isabel stopped being a parish councillor, but still wanted to keep a link with Wapley Bushes.

To mark the occasion, the Chair of the Parish Council, Cllr Chris Zapata, and Cllr Paul Hulbert presented Isabel with a planter for her lovely garden.

Cllr Paul Hulbert said: “Over the years that Isabel and Bert have been walking regularly at Wapley, they have often been the first to spot problems and let the Council know about it – we’re very grateful to them”.

Isabel and Bert are succeeded as Wapley Wardens by Krystyna and Bob Hutchinson.

Three people stood outside by an office, one is holding a flowering planter.