UPDATE – 21 April 2023:

Please be advised that the carriageway patching works on Shire Way, Yate taking place 02 May – 05 May 2023, will now be being carried out using stop/go boards rather than a road closure to try and minimise the disruption caused.


We have been notified of upcoming temporary road closures on Shire Way and Westerleigh Road, Yate.  The purpose of the closures are for carriageway patching and surface dressing works.  The closures are expected to last five days from 10th April, between the hours of 9:30am and 3:30pm.

You can find more information and maps showing the diversions below:


Diversion route map for Westerleigh Road - ring office for details - 01454 866546

Diversion route map for Shire Way - ring office for details - 01454 866546

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