*** UPDATE** Dodington Parish Council heard on Monday 30th May 2022 that South Gloucestershire Council had agreed Asset of Community Value (ACV) nomination – and SWCA is to be listed for next 5 years on the register with ACV status. This illustrates commitment from Local Authority as well as Parish Council to try and maintain site for continued community use.
Dodington Parish Council nominated the site of Shireway Community Association (SWCA) for “Asset of Community Value” (ACV) status earlier in 2022 (shortly after the centre closed its doors)
The aim of the ACV is to try to give some protection to the site for future use as a community facility. The ACV application needs to be decided by South Gloucestershire Council (SGC).
However, on 23rd May 2022 Dodington Parish Council unanimously agreed to try to secure the SWCA site for continued community use. This demonstrates the Parish Council’s commitment to the site.
At this stage it is not clear whether this will be possible, what it might look like, or how long it will take. The Parish Council aim to work closely with the Charities Commission and other stakeholders.
The Parish Council will publish updates in due course. If you need further information, please contact Clerk to the Council Hannah Saunders (details below).
01454 866546