Dodington Parish Council, owner of QEII Playing Fields, has been awarded some funding from South Gloucestershire Council.

Aerial image of QEII Playing Fields

The funding awarded is from the development of the old Rodford School site and has been set aside for improvement of sports provision in the local area, with QEII Playing Fields being one of those sites.

Over the past year, members of the Parish Council have been looking at different options. Following a Gloucestershire FA pitch inspection report, it was decided not to use the money for pitch drainage. We have a suggested programme of works to improve the pitches and we could purchase the equipment and train staff to do this, but this didn’t seem the best use of funds.
Our changing rooms have only recently been refurbished and although we could look at extending them, demand at grass roots level isn’t there — and again this was felt not to be best use of funds.
The funding has to be used at QEII Playing Fields (we can’t use it anywhere else) and it has to be for participative sport. If the money is not spent here, it will go elsewhere within South Gloucestershire. As such a running track has been suggested.

We welcome your thoughts; please see link below to our survey (this link opens a new website page in Survey Monkey).  We are also distributing copies of the survey to homes nearest to QEII Playing Fields within Dodington Parish.  Thank you for taking the time to respond to our survey.  We are not collecting any personal details as part of our survey.

QEII Consultation Survey (in Survey Monkey)

Survey form (as distributed to households): QEII Consultation Form PDF