The next time you are in Lilliput Park, look out for our new bug hotel.  It has been installed near to the “Quiet Corner”, adjacent to the footpath that runs between the Kingfisher Road/Lilliput Avenue park entrance to the Lilliput Court/Love Lane entrance.

Bug hotels benefit lots of different types of minibeast and insects such as ladybirds, spiders, woodlice and bees.  The bug hotel can provide a safe place for them to shelter away from predators, lay their eggs and raise their young.  Autumn is when some of these creatures will be looking for somewhere to hibernate over the winter.  We hope to see lots of different species of insects and minibeasts making use of their new accommodation in Lilliput Park.

Thank you to Chris Belcher for building and installing this bug hotel.  Thank you to Cllr Paul Hulbert for the photograph.

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