Local environmental groups are planning a wide range of events this autumn.
Lilliput Conservation Group will start the ball rolling with a Lilliput Park work morning on Tuesday 5 September, meeting at 10 am at the Kingfisher Road gate. There will be another work morning in the park at 10 am on Saturday 16 September.

Wapley Bushes Conservation Group will follow on with an autumn work morning on Sunday 10 September, clearing back some of the summer’s growth and doing general maintenance in the woodland. Meet at 10 am at the Shire Way gate to this prizewinning Local Nature Reserve.

On Friday 22 September there will be a free talk on “The Conservation of British Owls” by local expert Ian McGuire at 7.30 pm at Yate Library, organised by Wapley Bushes Conservation Group and sponsored by South Gloucestershire Council.

On Saturday 23 September Avon Wildlife Trust members will be working at local wildlife
haven Kennedy Way Pond, on the corner with Link Road, Yate, carrying out vegetation
clearance and general management. Meet at the pond at 10am.

On Sunday 24 September there will be a Bicycle Safari, discovering local nature on two wheels with expert Ian McGuire. The event is family friendly, but under 12s must be accompanied by an adult. The Safari, which is sponsored by the Joint Cycleway Group, sets off at 11 am from Riverside car park next to Yate cinema. “Dr Bike” will be there from 10.15 am so that riders can have their bikes checked or find out more about safe cycling with family and friends – this part of the event is organised by the South Gloucestershire Council Bikeability Team.

Plans are well advanced for more events in October and November – a fascinating talk on gardening for wildlife, an owl prowl, a major tree planting session at Wapley and more work sessions at Lilliput Park.

Details of these and other local events can be found online on Dodington Parish Council’s Discover Dodington web page