Over 90 residents attended the ‘Open’ meeting at 8pm on Monday 22nd January 2018 in the Parish Hall.

Chairman of the Birds Residents Group Ken Thomas quoted after the meeting:-

This shows the strength of support in our campaign to ‘Save The Tern Inn and Car Park’.  A very big ‘Thank You’ to all who came along and to Dodington Parish Council and members of the Working Group for all their continued help and support.

Briefly – Anthony Banks gave an update on the status of the ‘Appeal’.  This was followed by a presentation from Ken Thomas (attached below) illustrating our Vision for the future …and Dick Whittington spoke about funding for a proposed bid for the Tern Inn – in line with ACV status.

The presentation was closed by inviting those present to take away a ‘Pledge Form’ in order to fill it in showing how they could support the bid financially.  A copy of this form is also attached below.

The working group are meeting on 24th January 2018 and following that meeting the aim is to create a newsletter and distribute this to every household on Birds Estate and further afield along with information on how to Pledge support and a form.

Pledge Form

Our Vision Presentation