These are unprecedented times. They are unsettling for everyone. The pace of change is quick – and although the instruction is simple, it is difficult for everyone; I understand that, but I would urge all parishioners of Dodington Parish to do the right thing – Stay Home and Stay Safe.

Our Prime Minister has outlined the rules.

On Monday 23rd March 2020, Mr Johnson said the country faced a, “moment of national emergency” and staying at home was necessary to protect the NHS and save lives.  He said the restrictions would be in place for at least three weeks and would be kept under constant review.Councillor David Lane with chain of office

The government guidance says people should only leave home for one of four reasons:

  • Shopping for basic necessities such as food and medicine. Shopping trips should be as infrequent as possible
  • One form of exercise a day such as a run, walk, or cycle. This should be done alone or only with people you live with
  • Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person. This includes moving children under the age of 18 between their parents’ homes, where applicable. Key workers or those with children identified as vulnerable can continue to take their children to school
  • Travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home.

Even when following the above guidance, people should minimise the amount of time spent out of their homes and should keep two metres (6ft) away from people they do not live with.

The government is also stopping all social events, including weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies, but funerals will be allowed.

As such Dodington Parish Council has cancelled all forthcoming Council Meetings – including the Annual Parish Meeting which was scheduled for mid-April.

Sadly, the sports coaching that is offered free-of-charge to youngsters within the parish over Easter Holidays has been called off.

The office, hall, football pitches and all play areas are CLOSED until further notice.

Whilst our parks and public open spaces are open for people to carry out their daily exercise, they must adhere to the Social Distancing rules and not congregate in groups of more than two (unless they are from the same household).

This is for everyone’s safety.

If you are having to self-isolate and need help, the Parish Council along with Yate Town Council and Sodbury Town Council are supporting ‘Yate & Sodbury Neighbourhood Support Group – Covid-19’. Their details can be found on Facebook – follow the link below.