At Full Council Meeting on Monday 30th January 2023 the presentation attached was given and members debated the way forward regarding Shireway.

In October 2022 – following the successful nomination giving site Asset of Community Value Status – the Parish Council Expressed an Interest in bidding for the site – as the Charities Commission had given permission for it’s disposal.

Since then the council has been looking at options (as documented).  Cut off for submitting bid is mid April 2023 – but with forthcoming elections – this brings cut off forward to 24th March 2023.

As such members need to decide and approve way forward by 6th March 2023 (next Full Council Meeting).

Min ref 5/23 from Draft Full Council Minutes


 After due discussion – considering information presented – it was proposed by Cllr Mandy Sainsbury and seconded by Cllr Lynne Marshall and unanimously agreed to walk away and not to put bid in for the Shireway site.

The money to secure site could only be raised by increasing precept – and there wasn’t an appetite for this in the current economic climate. 

Members felt the risks involved (and there were many) outweighed the benefits that they could give to the community.

They felt that by having site listed as ACV they had helped to protect the site for the community in the short term at least – and the conditions specified on remaining lease – state that site is used for community benefit.

The decision isn’t being made lightly – members have considered lots of options – but with regret feel that they can’t put any more time or money into this project.