Local Remembrance Services – Sunday 13th November 2022

St Mary’s Church, Yate

Church service begins 10:00am, with a parade leaving Poole Court at 9:15am.  Call Yate Town Council if you would like to be involved in the parade – 01454 866506

Broad Street, Chipping Sodbury

Service begins by the War Memorial on Broad Street at 3:00pm.  This will be preceded by a parade, people participating in this should congregate in Rounceval Street at 2:15pm.  Contact Sodbury Town Council if you would like to be involved – 01454 321336

Dodington Parish Council will be laying wreaths on behalf of parishioners at the War Memorial on Broad St, St Mary’s Church, St Nicholas’ Church in Abbotswood and St Peter’s Church in Wapley.  For details of church services in our area, please see the Yate Parish website: https://www.yateparish.org/