The Parish Council has been notified of an urgent road closure on Gibbs Lane, Dodington, from a point approximately 200m North of its junction with Sodbury Lane for 100m North.

The above restriction is necessary because Urgent Manhole Cover Repair works are being executed on or near the carriageway consequent upon which is the need to avoid danger to road users, and the operatives engaged upon the works and serious damage to the road.

The Alternative Route for Vehicles is Sodbury Lane, Codrington Road, Shorthill Road, Westerleigh Road, Nibley Lane, Badminton Road, Station Road, Bowling Hill, Culverhill Road, Bowling Road, Claypit Hill and vice versa.

Correspondence from South Glos Council and he diversion map can be found here:

Gibbs Lane Closure August 2022

Gibbs Lane Diversion Map