We have received notification from South Gloucestershire Council that the roadworks on Heron Way to install traffic lights will begin soon.  They expect to start works on 6 June.  This will mean the junction will be temporarily closed to enable the works to go ahead.  It is estimated the junction will be closed to all vehicles, from the A432 (Cotswold Road/Kennedy Way) and Heron Way, for up to 12 weeks.

This closure is likely to cause travel delays for local residents, particularly those living on the Birds estate, as well as parents bringing children to Raysfield Primary School and Raysfield Preschool on Finch Road.  Please allow extra time for your journeys.  We will find out how this road closure will impact bus travel and will update the website as soon as we know more.

The consultation documents related to the implementation of traffic lights and right-hand turn at this junction can be found here: https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/heronway_signals/consultationHome

Please see the notification and diversion map below.

Notice of Intent – Heron Way


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