Update on QEII Playing Fields, Yate

The Parish Council own and maintain QEII Playing Fields in Yate (formally Kelston Playing Fields). Due to the closure of Wapley Court Care Home in 2011 and subsequent demolition, the Parish Council has monies for a memorial garden to be planted at this open space. We’re delighted to say that work on this memorial garden begins next week (Wednesday 12th December). We plan to keep disruption to a minimum during these works, but do please be aware as you walk around the playing fields as there may be works vans entering the site. Weather depending, the Memorial Garden will be completed by the start of Spring 2019.

The Parish Council is also installing a new defibrillator on Kelston Close in Yate, by the QEII changing rooms. This will be installed before Christmas.

Finally, we are also refreshing the signage at the QEII Playing Fields with updated contact details for the Parish Council, so lots of work going on to improve this wonderful open space!

Please check our website and Facebook page again soon for further updates on the Memorial Garden and new defibrillator.