Green Groups successes recognised at regional awards

Environmental volunteers and allotment holders are celebrating their success at the 2018 South West In Bloom Awards in Yeovil, where all five of Dodington In Bloom’s Neighbourhood entries achieved the top Level 5 award.

Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve, Wapley Common and the Orchard for the Future, and Lilliput Park repeated their successes from last year, gaining with Outstanding awards once more.

Dodington Allotment Association entered both their sites for the first time, and both sites achieved Outstanding certificates.

Dodington Parish Council Chairman Cllr Dave Lane said, “These are brilliant results – it’s good to see such talent among our green-fingered residents. The Wapley and Lilliput Park results represent a lot of hard work by our many volunteers, and as an allotment holder myself I’m delighted that both our allotment sites are seen as among the best in the South West”.










Local environmental volunteer Pete Carpenter, Cllr Paul Hulbert and Tim Fairhead of Avon Wildlife Trust celebrating their awards at the South West In Bloom event in Yeovil.