Post Office in Chipping Sodbury?

Sharing from Sodbury Town Council: “Chipping Sodbury has now been without a Post Office for a considerable time although we hear there are plans in the pipeline. For some time we have been trying to get the mobile PO van to visit the Town and it seems the more...

Ash dieback arrives at Wapley Bushes

The Council reported in its Autumn/Winter newsletter that ash dieback disease has arrived at Wapley Bushes Nature Reserve. Ash dieback is a fungus that came from Asia, crossed Europe and is now sweeping the UK. It kills around 95% of affected ash trees. There is no...

Free football fun for children this summer

Dodington Parish Council and Swift Sports Coaching are delighted to offer free football fun this summer for children in school years 3 – 6. Booking is essential. Please see the poster below for dates and more information. Please contact Swift Sports Coaching if...

Dodington Allotments

  Are you interested in letting an allotment plot?  Dodington Parish Council has two allotment sites on Besom Lane, Wapley.  These are run by a voluntary group, the Dodington Allotment Association.  If you would like to enquire about a plot, please contact the...